mary: "tell us what are yours résolutions, we are all curious xD"
Tom: "@mary: resolutions never work for me... But maybe i should be more friendly to Georg :-)"
Vasilia: "@Tom, you danced in the New year party? :-)"
Tom: "@Vasilia: Yes i do!!!"
Andrea: "Oh and, yeah. I definitely have to stop thinking that almost everything I do and say is bad and that I'm a loser. (It won't be easy ! Maybe next year xD)"
Tom: "@Andrea: I bet you are a great person!"
Margot: "@Tom @Bill Still continue to be a fan of Tokio Hotel haha"
Tom: "@Margot: Good idea! ;-)"
Léaa: "@Tom I would like to have a reply from you. It's my biggest resolution of this new year ;)"
Tom: "@Leea: There you go ;-)"
Königin Pissy: "not to be so self-critical... and more self-confident because i'm always so shy and yeah always tell myself that i'm not good enough, not pretty enough, not good enough in anything... cannot estimate myself that much. do you have any resolutions for 2012? maybe how to make selfmade pflaumenmus? ... or not to be rude to schorsch???? xD"
Tom: "@Königin Pissy: Nice resolutions! You'll make it!"
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