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BTK App : Yummy burrata (Pic)

Bill: "Yummy burrata" ".. just had lunch...hmm...;-)"


Heather: "@Bill, that looks so delicious! :) Did @Tom have the same thing?"
Bill: "@Heather: ...Tom and me always order exactly the same:-)"

Chiara: "@Bill Ogh it seems really delicious! How is your Christmas going? Did you have lots of presents? Please answer me <3"
Bill: "@Chiara: It's been really good. We had a wonderful christmas with a lot of veggie food:-)"

Giorni ;): "mmmh...yummy :Q_____ .....was it good? :Q___"
Bill: "@Giorni: It was the best!!! I love it..."

Andrea: "Bill ; this is exactly what i tking of ice right ?? Will you give me just a spoon ;)"
Bill: "@Andrea: It is cheese... looks like ice cream though"


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