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BTK App : New Year

Bill: "New Year"
"What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Tell me what you're gonna do?"


Swan: "@Bill I'm going to the casino with my older brother"
Bill: "@Swan: Casino sounds good:-)"

Danielaa: "@Bill: I drink to be dead on the floor hahahaha"
Bill: "@Danielaa: Don't drink too much ...hahaha...

Dei Oliver: "my great desire for the next year is that you come to Argentina. :'-)"
Bill: "@Dei Oliver: Ok...I'll keep that in mind :-)"

bria: "WAIT isnt the world supposed to be end in 2012? O_O"
Bill: "@bria: maybe!"

Tìssem: "I'll try to not to kill my cousins and I'll listen to tokio hotel :-)"
Bill: "@Tissem: Listening to Tokio Hotel is always a good idea:-)"


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