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BTK App : Burning Sky (Pic)

Bill: "Burning Sky"


Beti: it looks beautiful
Bill: @Beti: ...thank you! Well... it's a little blurry though.

Dulce: @Bill you take this photo??? it in LA???
Bill: @Dulce: Yep, it's in LA!

Marisa Raquel Martins de Brito Ferreira: oh it is so awesome I'm taking my breakfast and Bill is talking to us!!!
Bill: @Marisa: ... breakfast?

Gabriela: when Bill answer me I'm gonna do a Big Alien party I'm my house....
Bill: @Gabriela: Ok.... There you go!!! Have fun at the alien party!!! :-)

Joy: @Bill hahaha that was nice!! i hope @Gabriela invites us to her Party!
Bill: @Joy: ... haha.. hope so too!!!


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